Religious education

Lent Ash Wednesday Catholic Church Great Powerpoint
Lovely powerpoint that explains a lot about this important season.
WALT explain the symbols and colours of Easter.
I know why certain colours are used at particular times in the Church’s year.
I know that the Church celebrates the Resurrection of Jesus at the Easter Vigil.
I understand some reasons why the Feast of Easter is the most important celebration in the Christian Year.
I can discuss the meaning of some of the Church’s actions and symbols at the Easter Vigil.
Red, symbolising the Holy Spirit, is used on the Day of Pentecost and at other times when the work of the Holy Spirit is emphasized . Saints and Martyrs who dedicated their lives to God all showed the power of the Holy Spirit that was within them; so priests may wear red on certain Saints days. Red will also be worn at a Confirmation service.

Christmas Five Powerpoints Plus Planning Catholic Flavor
Five powerpoints plus planning.
I’ve converted the powerpoints to a pdf and you can download and have a good look.
sample planning:
Ask children to think about their literacy lessons – TTYP and name the important details that are needed in telling a story
(e.g. time, place, characters and events).
Ask children to the recall names of the four main Gospels.
Do they all tell the same story? (Essentially yes but lead children towards idea that they are different versions of the same story).
Use analogy of an incident occurring on the playground – would each child tell the same incident in the same way? No they would tell their version of the same event – some details and word choices would differ.
Talk about today’s WALT and explain that we are going to be looking at some different Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus Christ. Explain to ch that, in order to achieve their WALT, they will need to be comparing and contrasting everything which they read.
Explain briefly that three out of the four Gospels deal with the birth or Christ; there are many similarities and many differences in the way in which the Gospels record and explain the event.
For today’s lesson we are going to focus on Matthew’s Gospel and Luke’s Gospel.
Children to have Bibles on carpet. Read the story of the birth of Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew Mt. 1: 18-2:23 and the Gospel of Luke Lk. 2: 1-14.
Using the PPT ask, show children the following table:
Details found only in Matthew’s Gospel.
Details found only in Luke’s Gospel.
Details found in both Gospel’
Discuss possible reasons for the differences in the two accounts. They are coming from two different people; points of view; written at different times but the basic story is the same.
Briefly recap last lesson. Which two Gospels did we look at? Which story were we reading? Did both Gospels tell the story in

Christmas Around The World Fun resources French German Spanish Italian
Loads of fun planning for Christmas around the World.
Most is French.
But a good chunk of German.
And a nice sprinkling of Italian and Spanish.
Highlights are short Christmas plays in French, German and Italian. And a lovely short Spanish powerpoint on the Nativity.
plus fun songs, quizzes, powerpoints, games etc
You get well over 100 files so great value.
sample French play
Petite pièce de théâtre pour Noël – Christmas play
Trois bergers
Un ange
Les Trois Rois Mages
Les animaux (enfants masqués)
Un choeur
Deux narrateurs
Narrateur 1: Il est tard. Trois bergers gardent leurs moutons sur une colline.
Berger 1: Brrr! Il fait froid! Passe-moi une couverture!
Berger 2: Voilà!
Berger 3: Regardez! Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Berger 2: C’est une étoile?
Berger 1: Ah non! Ce n’est pas une étoile!
Berger 3: Aïe! J’ai peur! Qu’est-ce que c’est?
Ange: N’ayez pas peur! Cette nuit, à Bethléhem, est né un enfant. Il s’appelle Jésus. Partez tout de suite et trouvez l’enfant!
Narrateur 1: Alors les trois bergers partent. Ils vont chercher l’enfant à Bethléhem.
Marie et Joseph arrivent à Bethléhem. Marie attend un enfant. Elle est très fatiguée.
Marie: Je suis fatiguée, Joseph.
Joseph: Trouvons une auberge.
Narrateur 1: Marie et Joseph cherchent une auberge mais il n’y a pas de place à Bethléhem.
Ils arrivent enfin à une petite auberge. Ils frappent à la porte.
Toc, toc, toc!
L’aubergiste: Oui? Je peux vous aider?

Catholic RE religious Studies Planning years 4 and 5 297 Page pdf Advent Lent
A 297 page pdf with Catholic RE planning. Suitable for years 4 and 5. Easily adaptable for personal use.
Lots of references to the bible.
Topics covered include Holy Week, Lent, Easter, Christmas, Advent, Creation, Baptism, Parables, Miracles etc
There’s an assessment sheet that pupils can write on and insert into their books.
sample: Explore with children words we might use to describe significant people in our lives and what they do for us (e.g. friend, parent, brother, etc.)
l What words and statements would the children use to describe God?
l Provide children with blank alphabetical word bank sheets to record words they would use for God. This activity could be done in small groups.
l Share findings with the rest of the class and reasons for choosing certain words.
l The Bible is a source of knowledge for Christians about what God is like. Explain to the children that in this unit of work we will be learning about some important images of God that we find in the Old Testament.
l Recall some of the images of God that the children have suggested. Explain that an important image of God for Christians and indeed for the Jewish people is that of the Creator.
l What does it mean to create something? What responsibility does this entail?
L2 That every human person is made in the image and likeness of God and is called to reflect God’s love.
l Know the story of the creation of human beings in the Book of Genesis.
l Understand what being created in the image and likeness of God means.
l Understand that human beings have similarities and differences that should be valued and respected by everyone.
l Explore ways in which Christians can work to value other people, especially those who are different from them.
l Research, discuss and write about the story of Creation of human beings and explore ways in which we can work to value other people especially those who are different from us.
Bundle Sale

Mega Humanities Bundle Geography RE History Healthy Eating Worth 18 Selling £3
Bargain bundle.
Check the shop for details.
Normal cost 18.
Bundle Sale

Mega Bundle Year 1 and Year 2 Planning English Literacy Maths
Tons of great planning at bargain price.
Covers all terms for both year 1 and year 2
Look at the shop for details.
Bundle Sale

Year 6 Mega Bundle Loads of Teaching Resources Maths English
Loads of resources.
Tons of planning.
Please look at the shop for individual details.
Plenty of Maths and english. Take the stress out of planning your lessons.
Bundle Sale

Back to School Year 3 Resources Math Literacy Great Bundle Puzzles Sudoku
Great mega bundle for year 3. Wide range of materials.
Please look at shop for full details.
20 resources in total. Bargain.
Bundle Sale

Year 4 Super Bundle Masses of Planning Worksheets Literacy maths Arts
Super bundle for year 4.
Loads of resources. See my shop for details.
Start your school year with loads of planning that you can adapt for personal use. Take the strain out of Sunday planning.
Bundle Sale

Year 5 Super Bundle 20 Items Loads of Planning Maths English Humanities Worksheets
A super bundle.
Tons of planning.
Please look at individual items in the shop to get an idea of what’s on offer.

Advent powerpoint Simple Introduction Time Filler Creative Art
Simple powerpoint.
Real product has no references on it i.e. it’s clean

Ramadan Resources Islam Plus other useful bits of RE planning
Nice worksheet on Ramadam.
Plus other nice bits and bobs on Islam and other religions.

Easter Lessons Through Literature Planning Powerpoints Worksheets Road To Emmaeus
Materials for teaching Easter and Jesus and his disciples.
Planning powerpoints etc.
Road to Emmaeus board game.

Easter Ascension Powerpoint Plus Teaching Strategies Lent Vigil Explained
Nice powerpoint on the Ascension.
Plus Teaching Strategies Lent Vigil Explained.
Vigil four parts explained.

Christmas Quiz Powerpoint 30 Questions
3 rounds.
Answers at end.
Handy filler at very busy time of year.
Please look at my other Christmas resources.
Merry Christmas!

Christmas Year 6 Planning With Emphasis on Comparison of Gospels
Great planning.
Powerpoints and worksheets plus a week plan.
sample planning :
Ask children to think about their literacy lessons – TTYP and name the important details that are needed in telling a story
(e.g. time, place, characters and events).
Ask children to the recall names of the four main Gospels.
Do they all tell the same story? (Essentially yes but lead children towards idea that they are different versions of the same story).
Use analogy of an incident occurring on the playground – would each child tell the same incident in the same way? No they would tell their version of the same event – some details and word choices would differ.
Talk about today’s WALT and explain that we are going to be looking at some different Gospel accounts of the birth of Jesus Christ. Explain to ch that, in order to achieve their WALT, they will need to be comparing and contrasting everything which they read.
Explain briefly that three out of the four Gospels deal with the birth or Christ; there are many similarities and many differences in the way in which the Gospels record and explain the event.
For today’s lesson we are going to focus on Matthew’s Gospel and Luke’s Gospel.
Discuss possible reasons for the differences in the two accounts. They are coming from two different people; points of view; written at different times but the basic story is the same.
Briefly recap last lesson. Which two Gospels did we look at? Which story were we reading? Did both Gospels tell the story in exactly the same way?
Refer to the list which was made in the plenary last lesson - which other characters were involved in the Christmas story?
Re-read the story of the birth of Jesus in Matthew’s Gospel. Continue to read until Chapter 2 verse 12.
Why did the message of Jesus’ birth first come to shepherds rather than King
Why did Herod want to get rid of Jesus?
What words would you use to describe the threat that this baby was to Herod?
What do you think led men to come from the east by the light of a star to find this child?
Herod assumed the King of the Jews sought by the wise men was a conventional king and thus a rival to his throne.
TTYP – what were the names of the three gifts which the wise men brought to the baby Jesus?
Briefly recap the unit so far. Who are the main characters in the Christmas story? Which two Gospel accounts of the birth of Christ have we looked at? What are the similarities and differences between them?
Share the WALT and explain that this lesson will focus on the birth of Christ according to St John’s Gospel.
Explain that in St. John’s Gospel there is no account of the birth of Christ, but there is a poem at the beginning that speaks about him.
Use PPT to explain a prologue.

Christmas 2 Powerpoints Plus the Feast of the Epiphany
Two great powerpoints and some planning.
Nice powerpoint on Epiphany.
Sample :
Share the new targets with the children and explain that this is a short unit – two double lessons.
Read the story of Jesus’ birth from Matthew’s Gospel – Mt 1: 18-2: 23. Who are the main characters in this story? Concentrate on Mary, Joseph and King Herod.
Talk through the story. God had promised a saviour to free us all from our sins and he sent His only son into the world for us.
Talk about the priorities for any family when a baby is expected. (safety and comfort of the mother) .
Activity One
Come back together and watch scene featuring King Herod. Fear gripped King Herod, his mighty power was threatened. He gathered all the chief priests and scribes to see what they knew – they confirmed that Bethlehem had been foretold by the prophets. Herod launched his plan to locate the baby so that he could destroy him. What was Herod’s mistake? (look for the children to understand that Herod thought that Jesus would be an earthly King with a throne and a crown who was overthrow Herod).
What were Mary and Joseph’s feelings about the birth of the baby? Do you think they were scared? Happy? Relieved?
Children to TTYP and discuss – What does the birth of Jesus mean for us?
Jesus truly God and truly human has come down to Earth.
He brings peace, love and true freedom to those who seek him.
He opens the way to heaven for us.
He has come to save all people.
What does the birth of Jesus teach us?
God seeks those with an open heart to receive him.
If you truly seek God, He will find you.
It’s not money, wealth or knowledge that matters because God seeks the lowly and the humble who are looking for Him.

Short Christmas Play Ideal for Assembly The Story of Christmas Year 4 Assembly
A nice play for a Christmas assembly.
About 12 pages.
Sample :
Part 1:
KIRA - Narrator 1: The time leading up to Christmas is a busy one, and sometimes we can forget what the message of good news it brings. We would like you to imagine that this good news event is being broadcast to you today, live!
EMILY - Narrator 2: Our report, and the beginning of Christianity, is set in Nazareth. In the town, Jewish families were living under Roman occupation. These families had become poor due to King Herod’s heavy taxes. Nearly all the money the Jews earned went to Herod and the Romans so that they could afford new weapons and lovely food and clothes.
RICKY - Narrator 3: In the town lived a very religious Jewish family: the daughter of this family was called Mary. When Mary was about 14 years old she became engaged to Joseph, a talented carpenter.
SONG: Nazareth (NATIVITY) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uNDcWruJ4IY
Things are really cool in Nazareth.
Our city is full of joy,
Cause this is where girl meets boy.
Barely had a school in Nazareth.
There they join hand in hand,
side by side, they will stand.
A wedding is being planned.
Here in Nazareth.
Nazareth our place to live.
Always willing to forgive.
Nazareth will bring us well.
We can hear those wedding bells.
Feeling in a fix in Nazareth.
Rules are to be obeyed,
Arrangements are being made.
Got to get your kicks in Nazareth
Baby, you’ll run away
Start at a brand new day
Still we can not betray
Good old Nazareth.”
<Play news theme – Have playing on a screen during broadcast?>
ASHTON - Newsreader 1: Hello. And welcome to this breaking news update. We begin our report with the news of wedding preparations that are under way for Mary and Joseph who are pledged to be married. Tonight, however, Mary was woken from a deep sleep by a gentle voice.

Advent Lesson Religious Education Year 5
A great lesson for the season of advent.
sample planning :
Begin the lesson by sharing the learning objective with the children. Give each table two different coloured post it notes and ask the children to write what they already know about advent, on one coloured post it, and anything that they would like to know about advent on the other. Children to share ideas and keep post its. If the question is not answered in the lesson they should put it in their RE book to inform the next RE lesson’s teaching.
CT and children to discuss the liturgical seasons of the year. What are they? How many are there? What is the first season of the liturgical year? Do we use colour with the liturgical seasons?
Ask the children to work on netbooks to research the meaning of the word Advent. Can they find out which language the word originates from? What does it mean?
Bring the children back together and ask them to feedback their findings to create a class mindmap. Children to then draw and complete a mind map in their books illustrating what they already know about the liturgical season of Advent.
Explore the duel meaning of the season: to prepare for the birthday of Jesus and to prepare for Jesus to come again.
Set up prayer partners for the period of advent